Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Party

We got another day of a dusting of snow. It was just enough to make the roads slippery.

We went to the ward Christmas party. Santa came at the end.

Rose and her best friend Julia.

Gabriel chose to eat his party desserts under the table. It made me laugh!

Elijah and Emma were sheep in the Nativity play.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Warm and Cozy

Awww, Gabriel read to Emma.


Last snack in front of the fireplace.

Big brother likes holding hands.

Preparing for Christmas

James climbed on the roof and put up our lights. So beautiful!

Cookie time (raspberry and anise pizzelles)

All the cousins together with Santa.

Brian and Kelli visited for Walter’s baby blessing.

James’ birthday

We went to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving. Wednesday was this cute guy’s birthday. We went for a long walk along the shore.

Dad made James a bug ice cream cake. The boys helped put the black licorice legs on it.

Happy Birthday, Rose (Nov 11)

Rose had a fun birthday.

We had the whole family over to celebrate birthdays for both James and Rose.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Wrestling with dad!

Emma came home from school with a mustache. She’s growing up so quickly! Heehee

Santa Ephraim

Pistachio cheese sandwich (hey, whatever gets him to eat!)

Moving Up

They checked the kids at school and Gabriel’s eyes got significantly worse. He was so excited to get glasses and finally be able to see!!

Rose badly needed new glasses too. Happy kids! 

Ephraim got accepted into the GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) program at school. He goes every Wednesday to a class where they do advanced things. Here he is showing us “negative ten” with his fingers and tongue!

Ephraim is studying bridges. Guess what foggy bridge this is. This month they built bridges made out of popsicle sticks in groups.

New Floors

We replaced all the carpet in the house with laminate floors (half of downstairs, the stairs, and everything upstairs).

The kids liked watching the professional work but it was noisy. 

The new floor was slippery and fun!