Monday, August 21, 2017

Day at Lake Tahoe

We had all five kids together this past weekend so James had the awesome idea to go to Lake Tahoe. He knew the perfect beach with close parking. It's great knowing someone with this knowledge! 

Family photo before we left (munching cookies). We started packing up after the second thunder boomed and the dark clouds rolled in.

Being buried in the sand was the activity of choice, especially for these skinny kids to warm up.

1 comment:

  1. yup, sure looks like being buried in the sand was the activity of choice. I'm guessing the water was pretty cold. So buried in warm sand had to be a great way to warm up a bit. It looks like an awesome beach. I did not know Lake Tahoe had such nice beach areas. Hopefully there were showers to wash the sand off before the ride home. Thunder huh? That's one way to end a perfect day at the beach. You all look so happy and it looks like everyone had fun.
