Sunday, September 17, 2017

Virginia City

We had all five kids together this weekend so we decided to go to Virginia City on Saturday and see the sites.

We broke these rascals out of jail.

Funny pictures:
Emma and Gabriel 

Rose and Ephraim 

Me and Elijah

We saw a Christmas shop with a "bah humbug" bench. Grandpa Fogelberg and Elijah pose for us. 

1 comment:

  1. Virginia City...full of fun things and a great opportunity to make happy memories. But I must ask, A Camel? what's a camel got to do with Virginia City? A horse, cows and bulls, I can understand....but a camel. (lol) The pictures are cute, and I'm glad the kids look like they're having fun. Bah Hum Bug (lol). So cute, so fun to see all these pictures.
