Tuesday, July 3, 2018

A Little More Snow (March 2)

We got a nice dump of snow, the most I had seen up until then. This is our front yard.
Measuring the snow depth.
We went to the park and played. While the other kids went down in sleds, Gabriel built a snow fort far away from the others.
 Forming a tower
  OK, mom, enough photos.
 No, really, I mean it. :)
 OK, I'll pick on James then.
Ephraim dug his own snow house in our backyard. He carved a seat and everything. Layered with snow pants, jacket, gloves, hat, and hood, he was quite content.

 He generously invited Emma and Elijah in and created seats for them too.
Ephraim helped me build a snowman, complete with carrot nose. We later added pine needles for spiky hair.

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