Tuesday, July 3, 2018

April Trip to Utah

James, Ephraim, Gabriel, and I drove to Utah to see a session of General Conference in person.
When we got to Brian and Kelli's house, they took us for a walk to their neighborhood park.
 The park had fun bushes to hid in and bridges to cross.
 Don't look, mom! We're being dangerous.
 Saturday afternoon session of Conference.
 We walked around Temple Square a little.
 On Easter Sunday, we hid eggs for the kids to find.
 Counting the loot.
 There was a park down the road with a huge wooden castle play structure.
Arthur was toddling around and liked playing with the big boys. Baby Walter was all smiles and simply adorable. Everyone can't help but fall in love with him.
 Being weird.
 Salt Flats on the drive home.

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