Friday, August 18, 2017

Reno Life

We can see the LDS Reno Temple from down our street.

There is a park within walking distance of our house again. It's awesome.

Before school started, the boys helped me do some yard work.

Grandma and Grandpa Gunn gave Gabriel cool water toys for his birthday.

James makes dinner for us. BBQ'd chicken and corn

1 comment:

  1. wow, really, you live close enough to the Reno Temple you can see it from your home! That is so cool.

    Nice living so close to a park. Lots of extra play area to work the wiggles and excess energy out. Nice to take family strolls to the park in the cool of the evening and let the kids wear themselves out before bedtime. (lol) yeah right. In some cases, it probably winds them up.

    Yard work is part of having a yard, no matter what the size. Glad the boys were willing to help. Hope you are able to create the yard space you need for the dog, the kids and a garden.

    Hope there is enough summer to enjoy those water toys. They're great for watering the grass areas while cooling off the kids (and Zelda). :-)

    Yum, BBQ. Keeps the kitchen cooler, and how nice to have the help fixing dinner. I love when Grandpa grills. All I have to do is prepare a side dish or two instead of the whole meal.

    Looks like you are settling in to Reno and your new home beautifully.
