Friday, August 18, 2017

Settling In

James works on house projects using the tools he got as a wedding present from my parents.

We experienced our first summer thunderstorms with hail! So cool.

Brotherly love

1 comment:

  1. alright!! James is a "handy man". Awesome, that will be so helpful now that your Dad doesn't live 5 minutes away. lol just kidding. But it is nice to have a guy around who can fix things, is smart enough to figure it out.

    So cute, all the guys looking out the window. It appears the sun is shinning during that hail storm. After living in California, I think you and your boys are going to love all the different weather you'll be seeing in Reno.

    Awe, brotherly love, can't beat that. Ever. Hope it lasts their whole life time (and beyond). <3
