Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Autumn colors are beautiful. One day our tree out front turned fiery red! 

The kids have a dance party and strike a pose for the camera.

Fall colors everywhere.

Book fair at school. They each got a new book and I’ve never seen them so quiet!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Monkeys and Monkey Bread

Last weekend we took the three kids to Chuck E Cheese. Dad helped Emma win the motorcycle race.

Ephraim and Elijah have been studying bugs in their 2nd grade classes. Elijah's teacher invited the parents to view their presentations.

My monkey Ephraim discovered he can climb the tree in our backyard.

He encouraged my other monkey Elijah to do the same.

I finally got my Nevada driver's license. My new name is official as well as my new state of residence.

We took the two kids to the park. I had to capture the moment as we walked home. I love that they still hold hands. They were having an intense video game discussion. We also took Zelda with us and she exhausted herself with retrieving a frisbee for the first time.

My aunt Denise made a beautiful quilt for us. She picked blues (our wedding color) and yellows. It fits perfectly in our spare room/office. 

Do you see that beautiful plate and that puppy? What you don't see is the half of a monkey bread I left covered on the plate last night (bundt pan shown for reference)!!