Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Autumn colors are beautiful. One day our tree out front turned fiery red! 

The kids have a dance party and strike a pose for the camera.

Fall colors everywhere.

Book fair at school. They each got a new book and I’ve never seen them so quiet!

1 comment:

  1. You got some new furniture!! Awesome that the kids all love to read. New books, new adventure, new friends, new vacations. I totally love books and a good story will distract me from everything else I should be doing. lol

    I love the "dance Party", how fun and creative. How cute that they all got into the 'poise' attitude and got so silly.

    Yes, I love the fall colors too. Sometimes on certain drives, as we come up over a hill and the landscape opens up before us, the colors can take my breath away. Sometimes I think Fall is my favorite season. Then the snow and winter wonderland steals my heart, then the flowers of spring arrive and I'm sure that is my favorite season until the warmth of summer and the lush greens and full rivers and creeks make me want to live outdoors. sigh... I guess all four seasons are my favorite.

    I remember when we moved to CO from AZ and how mesmerizing and breathtaking the weather changes and the season changes were. Some of our storms were frightening, but I had to put on a brave face for TJ, and in turn I found I really enjoyed the storms. We'd shut off the lights, maybe get a cup of hot cocoa and sit by the window and watch the lightening, count til the thunder sounded, and wrap the blanket around us a little tighter when the wind blew so hard I thought the windows would break or the roof would blow off. After every wind storm the air smelled cleaner, like after a rain. I learned to love the excitement of the storms.

    You will too, eventually, there in Reno, as you get to witness the season changes in all their glory.

    Hugs to all of you.....
