Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Family Fun

Fun times together as a family. We rode the ferris wheel in Scheels.
Dancing in the car on the way to school, ending in the "dab" dance pose.
James and I had a date and walked around the marina in Sparks.
Wow! The kids are playing nicely together! I gotta capture that moment.
Slumber party with cousins. Yes, I had NINE kids in the house at once. We had pizza for dinner and rocked out to Dance Party on the Wii U.

 I took my five goslings out for a walk around the marina too.

 It was exhausting, but they did it.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, pictures and updates on the blog. I miss you and those kids so much.

    First the Ferris wheel. Do I assume you, Mommy did not ride? I think it's awesome that the boys were brave and all rode together in one car. I love seeing Hero Daddy riding with the girls.

    Next, family dancing in the car..... best car activity ever! Cute that they all end with the same move. The family that dances together, plays together, reads together, stays strong together. I really love this.

    You and James need to have one on one dates. This looks like a beautiful day for a walk around the lake. Was this the day your back was hurting? Hope it's healed and no longer causing issues. Some of mine and Dave's favorite dates were picnics, and walks. Good memories.

    Are you missing Rose in that picture of the kids playing with legos? First I thought that was really awesome of Gabriel to share his precious legos, then I realized those are larger, so they must be Emma's. Still it's always awesome to see kids playing together and not competing or bickering.

    Wow, a sleep over, nine kids. You weren't the only adult in the room were you? Yikes! But hey, a well planned sleep over full of fun activities (and plenty of junk food) is almost always a success.

    That is such a cute and funny picture of the kids lined up following you like the baby ducks following their mom. Was that spontaneous, or did the kids pose for it? Either way, it's still super cute.

    I have found that most times when kids complain about an activity, but they do it, (grumbling), that weeks or years later, they remember those activities as being the most fun, their favorites. You might recall the frustration of dragging them along, working hard to make it enjoyable for all, and hearing them say they loved it makes you shake your head and wonder. So hang in there mamma, in the end they will love you and all the "fun" activities you "made" them do.
