Tuesday, August 28, 2018

House Projects

In May and June we tackled some fun projects inside and outside the house. (I say "we" but it was mostly James doing all the work!)

BEFORE: Ugly brown walls in our master bedroom and bathroom.
AFTER: We picked a medium blue for the toilet room.
Then we liked the blue so much we picked a matching lighter shade of blue for our bedroom walls. SUCH a big difference. The blue is so pleasant and calming for us.
Meanwhile, James started my garden. Step 1 was making two garden boxes with scrap wood from our old fence (which we had recently replaced on one side of the house).
 I filled it with old leaves to give it a base.
 Step 2 was fenceposts in quick-dry cement.
Step 3 was putting up the fence with pieces cut from our old fence. Awesome reuse of wood to save money, but it also matches the surrounding fence on that side of the house so it looks natural.
Step 4 was building the gate.
 Proud handyman next to his beautiful work!

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