Thursday, August 31, 2017


Elijah and Ephraim watching tv together. Elijah is frowning because he knows I'm capturing the moment.

Zelda and Emma take an afternoon nap.

Elijah and Zelda are on neighborhood watch.

I caught Ephraim reading to Elijah late at night (reading by light of the bathroom).

Playing with trains together 

Monday, August 21, 2017

Day at Lake Tahoe

We had all five kids together this past weekend so James had the awesome idea to go to Lake Tahoe. He knew the perfect beach with close parking. It's great knowing someone with this knowledge! 

Family photo before we left (munching cookies). We started packing up after the second thunder boomed and the dark clouds rolled in.

Being buried in the sand was the activity of choice, especially for these skinny kids to warm up.

Friday, August 18, 2017

First Day of School

Ephraim - 2nd grade 

Emma - kindergarten

Gabriel - 5th grade 

Elijah - 2nd grade 

Rose - 5th grade 

Settling In

James works on house projects using the tools he got as a wedding present from my parents.

We experienced our first summer thunderstorms with hail! So cool.

Brotherly love

Reno Life

We can see the LDS Reno Temple from down our street.

There is a park within walking distance of our house again. It's awesome.

Before school started, the boys helped me do some yard work.

Grandma and Grandpa Gunn gave Gabriel cool water toys for his birthday.

James makes dinner for us. BBQ'd chicken and corn

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Good-Bye Pinole

Gabriel, Ephraim, and I sold the house in Pinole and moved out in June. We lived with my parents for over two weeks then moved into our new house in Reno.

Bye Pinole! 

Gabriel's artwork while I was packing

Zelda got to live with Basker until after the wedding.

4th of July fun at Mike and Kalu's house. The next day we drove to Reno.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wedding Photos (2)

Our new family

German chocolate cake happens to be both our favorite flavor! 

Just married!

Wedding Photos

James and I got married on Saturday, July 15, 2017 at a chapel in South Lake Tahoe. We were surrounded by our siblings, parents, and children.

New Life Update

I got remarried to James Fogelberg!!

Our first date on December 27, 2016, we met at the mall and went mini golfing.

Second date in February. We went to the Sacramento train museum and the Cheesecake Factory.

Then I drove up to Reno where he lived. We checked out downtown and the full Truckee River there.

In April he proposed!

Of course I said YES.

There's an App for That

New life, new blog.
So life has been busy and I don't get a chance to sit at the computer and transfer photos from my phone to the computer and then to the blog. Since there have been major changes in my life, I thought it was time to DO something about that. I got an app for my phone so I can blog from anywhere. Testing here...

This photo is from me last Thursday. I was going to my Relief Society women's Salad Social at 6pm. I was preparing my salad when I got interrupted to break up a kid squabble. When I came back I forgot I had already unscrewed the lid!! I shook it one more time before I poured the dressing but... All over my hair, shirt, capris, and feet. Notice the time. I changed my clothes quickly but attended the event with bits of poppy seeds in my hair (and a sticky back). Life is an adventure! And now I will start recording it again on a blog.